We are the United Campus Workers of Arizona, CWA Local 7065
Advocating for workers at Arizona State University, the University of Arizona, and Northern Arizona University.
United Campus Workers of Arizona (UCWAZ) unites Arizona's diverse public higher-education workforce to address the critical issues we all face. Our mission is to champion and defend the interests and well-being of all higher-education workers, as well as to build and sustain social and economic justice in our workplaces and communities.
What We Do As A Union
We accomplish our goals as a union through a combination of organizing university workers, mobilizing on important issues, and performing community and political action.

For university workers, mobilization is a three-part process of building a structure to support taking action, educating ourselves about problems facing our universities, and taking collective action to solve collective problems.
We mobilize around the shared issues we care about, such as stopping unnecessary pay cuts and layoffs, ensuring our health and safety, dismantling structural racism and other forms of oppression on our campus, as well as protecting public higher education from private and corporate entities.
We grow our movement for workplace justice through organizing. We do so by asking everyone—including you— to join and build our union membership. We can no longer act alone. Now is the time.
Central administrators continue to ignore our concerns and the safety and well-being of its workers, students, and the surrounding community. We ask each university employee to join UCW Arizona and join the fight to protect and improve the university we love.
Community & Political Action
We are building collective power to improve higher education and our working conditions. The problems we face aren’t unique. But the state of Arizona is at the bottom of the list in support for higher education and student financial aid, and at the top of the list in privatizations that compromise our public purpose. Our state spends more on prisons than it does on all of its colleges and universities combined.
None of these things will change overnight, since there are powerful forces arrayed against us. We unite with other community groups who have been taking action to influence elected officials to support public higher education and its workers —the people who make public higher education work.
You can learn more about who we are and what we do by clicking the button below.
Who We AreWhen We FIGHT, We WIN!

Since our founding in 2020, we have won numerous material benefits for our members. We won wage increases, job protection, and shared power in university governance structures.
You can read more about our wins and the benefits of joining your union by clicking the button below.
Our Wins