University of Arizona (UA)

Our History at UA
United Campus Workers of Arizona (UCWAZ) - CWA Local 7065 came about from the efforts of the Coalition for Academic Justice at the University of Arizona (CAJUA), a group of nearly 700 faculty, staff, and students concerned about social and economic justice at the university. In April of 2020, the UA President announced a draconian pay cut plan that mobilized CAJUA members to act, leading to several key achievements.
Read an article about CAJUA hereThe first achievement involved pushing the UA administration to revise its original furlough plan so that the lowest paid employees would not be impacted. With CAJUA’s activism, the furlough plan floor was changed to $44,500. The second big CAJUA victory happened with the calling of a General Assembly in June, 2020, something that had never happened before in UA history.
With the COVID-19 pandemic raging, CAJUA members worked alongside public health experts to push UA administrators for transparency in COVID-19 reporting metrics and a clear, compassionate plan for reentry. CAJUA also held public protests, circulated letters, and developed an online reporting tool to allow UA employees to report COVID-19 related safety concerns.
In the early part of August, a CAJUA committee was formed to unionize campus workers. On Sept. 3rd, 2020, Labor Day the United Campus Workers Arizona Union was officially launched.
The UCW local Chapter 7065 exists because of the collective actions of CAJUA. The coalition knew that in order to build wall-to-wall support, centering the voices of all work employees, particularly those who are in more vulnerable positions, was critical. For many, CAJUA represented one of the first organizations within the university where diverse perspectives and backgrounds were utilized and appreciated.
It is with much gratitude and honor that we look back on our beginnings. And as we move our Union forward, we strive to embody the wall-to-wall foundation laid by CAJUA.
We are proud to represent workers at the University of Arizona, the first university in the Arizona Territory. Workers at UA have been organizing for better wages, benefits, and working conditions since at least 2020. UCWAZ has won major victories at UA for graduate workers, university staff, and faculty.
We are making UA a better place to work for all. Will you join us?
Join Your UnionUA Student Resources
Below are some other resources that UA students may find helpful.
Current Campaigns at UA
Below are our current campaigns at UA. Please sign and share to increase our reach and to protect workers' rights!
END Disciplinary Measures Against Campus Protestors at UA
You can read the full petition and the letter you are signing on to by clicking below.
Sign the Petition
$25 by '25
We need your support to ensure dignified wages and jobs. UCWAZ believes that all campus workers in Arizona, whether university employees or contracted laborers, must be paid a thriving wage, not a poverty wage. This goes hand in hand with the University of Arizona’s mission to continuously improve and innovate. We cannot solve grand challenges unless our basic needs are met.
Sign the PetitionContingent Faculty Deserve Job Security, Paths to Promotion, and Thriving Wages
United Campus Workers of Arizona need your support to ensure fair working conditions for Contingent Faculty throughout the university system in Arizona.
Contingent Faculty are faculty members in higher education who are hired only for short-term contracts and excluded from the opportunity to earn tenure. Across the country, and right here at ASU and UA, Contingent Faculty outnumber traditional tenure-track university faculty. Contingent faculty now comprise at least 53% of all faculty appointments at UA and 61% at ASU, and these numbers continue to rise. Contingent Faculty members are disproportionately women and people of color. We teach the majority of undergraduate students and provide extensive course design at both universities. As faculty who perform essential labor, we demand fair working conditions: job security, paths to promotion, and thriving wages.
You can read the full petition and what we're demanding from the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) by clicking the button below.
Sign the Petition
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- Send us an email. Got questions about your Caucus at UA? Simply email [email protected] and we'll get your email to the right place.
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